Saturday, February 1, 2014

Giselle, Venus in Fur, Looking, The Diary of a Teenage Girl, Need for Speed

Philip Seymour Hoffman in The Master
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Actor, Dies at 46

Theater Review, S.F. Ballet's 'Giselle': Classic at its purest
SF Ballet’s ‘Giselle’ could use more dramaThrills and Chills: San Francisco Ballet in Giselle

American Conservatory Theater to Present VENUS IN FUR, 3/19-4/13

Movies/TVHBO's 'Looking' looks for understanding
Looking, Sky Atlantic, review
A Tour Through the San Francisco of Looking, Episodes 1 & 2
Looking: "Looking For Uncut"

Looking Episode 3 preview
Ranking The Beards, Scruff, And Mustaches On "Looking"


Check Out The Expensive Supercars In 'Need For Speed'
Need for Speed Movie Featurette Explores Camera Cars
Sundance 2014: Aaron Paul raises 'Hellion,' talks 'Need for Speed' -- EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS

Only in San Francisco - Tourism for Locals: Macondray Lane Paves the Path for Tales of the City - SF Weekly
Welcome to Tours of the Tales!

Not Only in San Francisco - Progressive Kristallnacht Coming? -  I would call attention to the parallels of Nazi Germany to its war on its "one percent," namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American one percent, namely the "rich." - Tom Perkins, poor, unfortunate, mega-rich venture capitalist and 5th husband of Danielle Steel.

Kleiner Perkins ‘Shocked’ by Co-Founder Comment on Nazis

Rich Man 'Apologizes' For Nazi Comments While Showing Off Super-Expensive Watch

Tom Perkins' trickle-down defense of the 1% has huge flaws - Joe Garofoli, SFGate
...But Perkins' claim of trickle-down economics runs into some statistical problems - the lowest rung of the economic ladder has seen average adjusted gross incomes drop 18 percent over the same period. Worse, economic mobility of Americans isn't what it used to be: If you're born poor, you'll have a tough time getting rich - or even close. Forty-three percent of those raised in the bottom 20 percent of the nation's economic spectrum remain there as adults, according to a study by the nonpartisan Pew Charitable Trusts Economic Mobility Project. Even more daunting: 70 percent of those in the bottom rung "never make it to the middle," according to Erin Currier, director of Pew's economic mobility project... The S&P 500 gained 30 percent last year, its best year since 1997. And roughly 95 percent of the nation's income gains during the first three years of the recovery went to the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans, according to a 2013 UC Berkeley study...

Venture Capitalist: Tech Activists Are Like Nazis - In a casual aside, John King, the architecture critic of The San Francisco Chronicle, had called the hedge “comically off-putting” in December. A columnist at The Chronicle picked up the attack, and called Ms. Steel a snob. Ms. Steel fired back in the paper that her hedge, which is indeed large, was necessary to keep the creeps out. And that she had done many good works for the people of San Francisco.

Danielle Steel and her comically off-putting hedge reveals much about her - SF Chronicle

A fan note from Danielle Steel. Sort of - SF Chronicle

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