Sunday, December 9, 2012

SF Opera 2012-2013 Season

SF Show Biz News
From FX's email:
Congratulations to Norman Yee on winning this historically close race for District 7 Supervisor. 
132 choice votes separated Norman Yee from me out of 35,351 votes cast. While I initially committed my campaign to requesting a recount, candidate fund raising restrictions prevented me from raising the necessary funds in the time allotted to pay for a recount... 
Thank you to my family, my colleagues in labor, and all my dedicated supporters throughout this campaign, especially the residents of District 7, many of whom I grew up with and share lifelong friendships. I will always be grateful for their support.

Only in San Francisco - "To this Gate I give the name of 'Chrysopylae,' or Golden Gate, for the same reason that the harbor of Byzantium was called 'Chrysoceras,' or Golden Horn." - Capt. John C. Fremont, 1846

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