Sunday, November 18, 2012

Oakland Film Center

SF Show Biz News

Just 2 notes this week:
First from Tim Ranahan........

Well, It's official!

The Oakland Film Center has been served by the City of Oakland, with a "90 Day Eviction Notice". Some 32 businesses will have to be out on the street by February 1st, 2013. Not only was the Film Center served, I was told that all tenants on the cities property would be served notices. 

The City of Oakland had verbally promised to let us remain, at least till the end of June 2013. Obviously they lied and don't care about losing a large amount of small businesses, numerous jobs, and a huge financial shot to the Oakland city coffers community, and supporting businesses.

The City and developer Phil Tagami (of CCG), have never seriously recognized how important our industry is to Oakland and the Bay Area. Not one person from the city has reached out to us regarding relocation and the future of our industry. 

At one time there was a mandate passed unanimously by Oakland City Counsel to be included in any redevelopment plans for the Oakland Army Base. Pat Cashman with the city asked City Council to remove that mandate, and they did, thus signing the death warrant for the Oakland Film Center, which has been on the OAB since 2004.

I've lived in the bay area since 1974, its sad that this current Oakland administration and developer group is continuing a the streak of horrible decisions, that the citizens of Oakland have had to put up with for so long.

And from Sean House:
Sean House  1:39pm Oct 25
The Oakland Film Center at the Oakland Army Base was just given a 90 day eviction notice by the City Of Oakland! 30+ Film related Businesses!!! Many of these businesses are owned by our brothers and sisters. There will be a special City Council meeting at Oakland City Hall next Tuesday (October 30th) at 6pm regarding the Army base redevelopment. We (The Film Center tenants) intend to be there. Can you support us by being there to help our voices be heard?

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