Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 25

SF Show Biz News
District 2 Edition

I attended the IATSE District 2 convention in Reno over the weekend.
President Loeb spoke of organizing efforts success with Freeman and ongoing conflicts with Swank in AV contracts. He also spoke of the difficult negotiations. with the latest motion picture general agreement. He reported on the political environment in the country and urged members to recognize the importance of not only voting in this November's election, but of actively participating.
Resolutions from the floor included one endorsing legislative efforts for a sustainable, secure and just healthcare system in Arizona, Californa, Hawaii and Nevada and support for a single payer system in the country as a whole.

Another resolution was to express opposition to the special exemptions act which is on the November California ballot. This initiative is designed to sound like it keeps special interest money out of elections campaigns  but is designed to limit contributions by labor unions while preserving the rights of corporate Super-PACs to contribute to campaigns.

There was a training session on negotiating that included sessions on preparations for bargaining and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the parties, writing unambiguous language in the contract, and bargaining strategy and tactics.

There was a speech by Art Pulaski of the California Labor Federation and another by Angie Wei who works lobbying the legislature about upcoming bills including the film incentive program, workers comp, zombie loopholes and high speed rail.

Another energetic speaker was Chuck Rocha of Solidarity Strategies talked about the IATSE PAC. Check out his keynote at Netroots Nation.

The Public Relations Committee is an initiative to  record short videos of personal testimony of what being a union member means to you to show at the International Convention and to post on the website. If you would like to participate or if you want to recommend someone to participate please let me know.

Only in San Francisco"This is just some of the stuff my family had laying around, but I don't eat people so it just doesn't seem like something I want to have," Stefanos explained.